Бахара, представитель от Туркменистана. Одна из 21 девушек выигравшая грант по международной программе обмена TECHWOMEN 2015. В этой программе участвуют только девушки из более чем 50 стран мира и главная ее цель - это поддержка следующего поколения женщин-лидеров в области науки, новых технологиях, инженерии и математике, предоставляя им возможность доступа и все необходимое для продвижения по карьерной лестнице и осуществления своих идей. Туркменистан участвует впервые! “I’m extremely proud to represent Turkmenistan as a first-year Emerging Leader from Central Asia. It gives great excitement, courage and responsibility to inspire other women in STEM and girls who are still having doubts about entering the field. Now we are in an age where technologies are rocking the world, yet in my region, people continue to think that STEM fields are primarily for men. I know this stereotype very well. Having a bachelor’s in linguistics and information technology, I started off my career path on construction sites, where I learned that if you are truly passionate about job, when you put your helmet on and go to the site, it doesn’t matter if you are a man or woman. You are a professional. As a citizen of Turkmenistan, I live in a country with vast quantities of natural resources and great potential in its rational and effective consumption. During my TechWomen mentorship, I’m interested in focusing on renewable energy, particularly solar energy management in order to learn how to establish the safe, sustainable and profitable use of these resources both domestically and internationally.” –Bahara Nurmetova, Turkmenistan